MI experiencia Don Dukascopy, alguna ayuda?

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MI experiencia Don Dukascopy, alguna ayuda?

Notapor Xicod » 15 May 2017, 23:27

• El mes pasado buscando un bróker de confianza vi este y por comentarios de foros decidí abrir cuenta con ellos, buscaba bróker con MT4.

• Cuando abro la cuenta me dicen que para operar con MT4 debo usar:

Que es una empresa externa por lo cual pagare dos comisiones una a Dukascopy y una a FTT, lo cual acepto.
Mi problema llega el día 3 de Mayo. de golpe se me cierran 9 operaciones de -47 Euros cada una, unos 500 Euros de perdida en la MT4, me pongo en contacto con Support de Dukascopy
Y me dicen:

Puede ver sus reportes completos de Dukascopy aquí: https://live-login.dukascopy.com/fo/reports/trader/
Si tiene una duda, por favor contáctenos haciendo referencia a estos informes.

No podemos comentar en los reportes de FTT o de ninguna otra sociedad.

Best Regards

Research, Monitoring and Brokerage

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: AUT-976095

Dukascopy Europe IBS AS
Lacplesa street 20A-1
Riga, LV-1011

Hablo con FTT y me dicen:
Dear Sir,

Thank you for the screenshots, but as we said these balance updates in MT4 is reflecting your JForex account which is held by Dukascopy.
We recommend that you check your JForex account to see if this amount has been deducted there as well.

There has been no withdrawals from your MT4 account.

MT4 is just correcting it's balance accordingly to your JForex account.
If you need help accessing JForex, please contact support@dukascopy.com

FTT Tech Support

Voy de unos a otros y así llevo varios días nadie me da una solución solo esto por parte de FTT:

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your patience in this case and we apologize for the late reply.
Our investigation has been concluded for what happened May 3rd on your account.

The orders in MT4 was closed by hedge. Although in this case, MT4 mistakenly hedged pending orders that never was opened in JForex.
Dukascopy JForex responded with a reject and the issue that MT4 did was to keep hedge closing these pending orders.

We will apply a fix to avoid this scenario in the future.

Attached you find your JForex Portfolio Statement where you can see that no actual trades was opened or closed and no money was lost, since Dukacopy JForex is the real market exposure and where your actual money is.
This is merely a visual issue in MT4.
Once again, even though it appears as loss in MT4 there was no loss on your JForex account since the orders never was on the market.

As for the open price, this is how MT4 is showing hedged orders. The Sell position is using the open price from the closing price of the opposite Buy order.
For example order 3160621 got open price of the closing price from 3193138, and the same goes for all hedge closed orders.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this caused you.

FTT Tech Support
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